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Texting While Driving Law Change in Texas
Texting While Driving Law Change in Texas 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Q: Will the new texting while driving law reduce accidents and personal injury claims?

Texas car accidents can be caused by a number of factors including driving while intoxicated, speeding, aggressive driving, weather conditions, mechanical defects, and more.

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Texas Accident Results in Fatality, Reinforces Danger of Motorcycles
Texas Accident Results in Fatality, Reinforces Danger of Motorcycles 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Texas Accident Results in Fatality, Reinforces Danger of Motorcycles

Driving or riding on a motorcycle in Texas can be a lot of fun. With the sun shining down on you and the fresh wind whipping your face, they provide a very different feeling than that of a car. However, with little protection, motorcycle drivers often find themselves much more susceptible to injury than drivers of cars or trucks.

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Fosamax Litigation Continues
Fosamax Litigation Continues 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Will the U.S. Supreme Court find Merck liable for failing to provide adequate warnings about Fosamax?

Fosamax is a prescription drug manufactured by mega-company Merck.  It was created to help treat osteoporosis and other diseases that cause bone loss.  Given that one in three women worldwide and one in five men over 50 will suffer from osteoporotic related fractures, Fosamax and other drugs like it are big business.

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Heart arrhythmiaExcessive bleedingCoughing up bloodBlood pressure changesNosebleedsGastrointestinal bleedingRectal bleedingBrain hemorrhagingDeathThe immense dangers of Xarelto are largely linked to its lack of an antidote. When Xarelto was initially released in 2011, it did not have an antidote that could reverse internal or external bleeding that could occur due to surgery, an accident, or a side effect of the drug. Warfarin, on the other hand, has a reversing agent that can quickly stop the effects of the drug to stop bleeding fast. According to several lawsuits and safety officials, the makers of Xarelto did not adequately warn physicians or patients as to the lack of an antidote and the related serious risks of ongoing bleeding. Anyone who has suffered an injury due to Xarelto may be eligible to seek compensation from the makers of this dangerous drug. Injuries linked to Xarelto can inflict financial hardships on patients. Xarelto victims may be able to seek compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other ongoing disabilities stemming from the drug. Contact a defective drug attorney for an analysis of your legal rights and overview of your necessary next steps.
Heart arrhythmiaExcessive bleedingCoughing up bloodBlood pressure changesNosebleedsGastrointestinal bleedingRectal bleedingBrain hemorrhagingDeathThe immense dangers of Xarelto are largely linked to its lack of an antidote. When Xarelto was initially released in 2011, it did not have an antidote that could reverse internal or external bleeding that could occur due to surgery, an accident, or a side effect of the drug. Warfarin, on the other hand, has a reversing agent that can quickly stop the effects of the drug to stop bleeding fast. According to several lawsuits and safety officials, the makers of Xarelto did not adequately warn physicians or patients as to the lack of an antidote and the related serious risks of ongoing bleeding. Anyone who has suffered an injury due to Xarelto may be eligible to seek compensation from the makers of this dangerous drug. Injuries linked to Xarelto can inflict financial hardships on patients. Xarelto victims may be able to seek compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other ongoing disabilities stemming from the drug. Contact a defective drug attorney for an analysis of your legal rights and overview of your necessary next steps. 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

What injuries have been linked to Xarelto? Xarelto (rivaroxaban) is a drug released by Bayer Healthcare in tandem with Janssen…

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Heartburn Drugs May Pose Health Risks
Heartburn Drugs May Pose Health Risks 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Can I file a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company if I am injured by a medication?

A recent clinical study by the Houston Methodist Research Institute indicates that a class of heartburn drugs, proton pump inhibitors or PPIs, put users at increased risk of heart attack, stroke and renal failure. These drugs, sold under brand names such as Prevacid, Prilosec and Nexium, may cause damage to cells in the arteries.

While PPIs are designed to inhibit acid production by cells known as lysosomes, the drugs may also prevent cells from dividing and reproducing, leading to plaque buildup in the walls of blood vessels. In addition to the risk of heart attacks and other maladies, cell damage in the arteries is also linked to dementia and cancer. In the study, where cells were exposed to the PPI Nexium that mimicked long-term usage, researchers also found chromosome damage that is associated with these age-related diseases.

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New Jersey Drug Company Pleads Guilty to Selling Contaminated Ultrasound Gel
New Jersey Drug Company Pleads Guilty to Selling Contaminated Ultrasound Gel 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

What was the ultrasound gel sold by a NJ drug company contaminated with?

Pharmaceutical Innovations Inc., a New Jersey pharmaceutical company based in Newark, has recently pleaded guilty to selling ultrasound gel contaminated with bacteria. The gel, used in scans, sonograms, EKGs and similar procedures, makes direct contact with the skin.

How the Case Began

The company was originally targeted by the FDA in 2012. At that time a Michigan hospital reported that 16 surgical patients had been infected with a bacterial pathogen associated with a particular batch of ultrasound gel from Pharmaceutical Innovations.

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Invokana Linked to DKA and Kidney Damage in New Lawsuit
Invokana Linked to DKA and Kidney Damage in New Lawsuit 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Can you be compensated if you suffered from the serious side effects of a drug?

You are a type-2 diabetic and you need some help managing your symptoms. So, your doctor recommends a new drug that many of his patients have been having a good experience with. He tells you that there may be some side effects but you think to yourself “not me.” Think again! You start experiencing the symptoms of a blood disorder and having kidney problems and your doctor tells you it is from the medication you have been taking. What are your rights? Well, you can bring a lawsuit like a woman from Texas recently did after being seriously impacted by the new drug

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Premise Liability in the Neighborhood
Premise Liability in the Neighborhood 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston
Johnson & Johnson to Pay $502 Million Over Flawed Pinnacle Hips
Johnson & Johnson to Pay $502 Million Over Flawed Pinnacle Hips 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

What is the latest news over J&J’s hip replacement failures?

Medical device maker Johnson & Johnson was recently ordered to pay $502 million in damages to 5 patients over flawed artificial hip devices sold under the Pinnacle brand name. The defective devices were sold by J&J’s Depuy unit, and a federal-court jury in Dallas found that company officials were aware of the flaws but failed to warn patients and doctors. In a product liability case, failure to warn is a key element in a successful lawsuit.

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Top Causes of Truck Accidents
Top Causes of Truck Accidents 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Can I file a lawsuit if am injured in an accident with a tractor-trailer?

Sharing the road with semi-trucks and tractor trailers in unavoidable, so it makes sense to proceed with caution if you are driving along aside or passing a large truck. Because of their weight and length, trucks can be hard to navigate. Moreover, a tractor-trailer, even traveling at a normal speed, can take a long time to stop. That being said, truckers are required to exercise reasonable care when operating a rig not to injure other drivers.

Truck Accidents at a Glance

There are state and federal laws in place that require trucks to be adequately maintained and inspected regularly.

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