• Experienced | Successful | Since 1971


Preserving Your Claim After a Car Accident
Preserving Your Claim After a Car Accident 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

If you have been involved in a car crash that was the fault of someone else, you may be able to obtain compensation for your losses related to the accident. However, getting compensated for your damages or losses is not automatic. You must present and prove your case to show the court (or an insurance company) that you are entitled to relief. This process can take considerable time and effort, and failing to show just one element of your claim can completely undermine your case.

It is critical to take the time to collect evidence and information regarding your accident as soon as you can after the collision occurs.

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Head Injuries in Car Accidents
Head Injuries in Car Accidents 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Car accidents commonly cause head injuries. These injuries can range in severity from extremely minor to those that may even result in death. In fact, more than half of all reported traumatic brain injuries are the result of an auto accident.

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Texting While Driving Law Change in Texas
Texting While Driving Law Change in Texas 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Q: Will the new texting while driving law reduce accidents and personal injury claims?

Texas car accidents can be caused by a number of factors including driving while intoxicated, speeding, aggressive driving, weather conditions, mechanical defects, and more.

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Common Car Accident Injuries: Fractures
Common Car Accident Injuries: Fractures 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

What are the most common types of broken bones you could sustain in a car accident?

Millions of Americans will be involved in car accidents in the coming year.  Broken bones are one of the most common car accident injuries due to the immense force involved in the collision.  Fractures can be extremely painful and could even require surgery, potentially leading to lengthy recovery times and the inability to return to work.  Car accident victims who sustain a broken bone will require immediate treatment. Accident victims injured due to the negligence of another driver may be able to seek compensation for their fracture injuries through a

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General Motors Prevails in Ignition Switch ‘Bellwether’ Trials
General Motors Prevails in Ignition Switch ‘Bellwether’ Trials 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

By now, you have undoubtedly heard of the ignition switch problems plaguing General Motors – which have lead to hundreds of injury and property damage claims across the United States. As a refresher, millions of General Motors models were implanted with a defective ignition switch which could actually cause the vehicles to turn off while in motion. Of course, the sudden loss of power can cause serious accidents, particularly for vehicles traveling at high rates of speed on highways and interstates. So far, the defect is implicated in 124 deaths and 275 injuries.

As a result of the widespread harm, victims of the defective switches filed lawsuits against the company for damages.

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Texas Trucker Files Lawsuit in Refinery Accident
Texas Trucker Files Lawsuit in Refinery Accident 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

What are the grounds for a personal injury lawsuit in a refinery accident?

In Texas and Louisiana, refineries play an integral role in the Gulf Coast economy, and these outfits are often drive by profits at the expense of worker safety. Avoidable accidents often occur when hazards and safety issues are overlooked. This appears to be the case in a refinery explosion at a Shreveport-based refinery in April 2015.

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Keep Your Teen Driver Safe This Summer
Keep Your Teen Driver Safe This Summer 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

How can I encourage my teen to be a safer driver this summer?

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has dubbed summer the “100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers.  During the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day, teens take to the roads in high numbers, leading to soaring rates of teen accidents.  It is anticipated that at least ten accidents involving teens will occur each day during the summer time, which represents an over 15 percent increase from school time accident rates.  Our

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Common Types of Car Accidents: Side Impact Crashes
Common Types of Car Accidents: Side Impact Crashes 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Who is liable in a T-bone accident?

Side impact, or T-bone, crashes are a common and serious type of car accident that occurs on Texas roadways every day.  Side impact accidents happen mostly at intersections.  These crashes often involve two vehicles traveling in different directions through an intersection.  One vehicle hits the side of the other vehicle, causing a T-bone crash.  Our

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How Do You Prove Intoxication in a Personal Injury Case?
How Do You Prove Intoxication in a Personal Injury Case? 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Driving is by no means inherently safe. With human beings operating cars and trucks there leaves much room for error. But when an individual drives while under the influence of alcohol or drugs – both illegal and prescription – their intoxication can have very serious effects on the safety of themselves and others.

Driving While Intoxicated

In Texas, anyone who drives while intoxicated is committing the offense of driving while intoxicated (DWI). If an intoxicated driver causes injury to another individual, the evidence of their intoxication can be used as evidence against them in a personal injury case.

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Emergency Responder Accidents
Emergency Responder Accidents 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

What should I do when passing by a stopped emergency responder vehicle?

A Dallas fire truck was recently hit by a big rig while responding to an emergency.  Dallas Fire-Rescue responded to an accident on I-30 near Ferguson Road in the early morning hours.  While attending to the emergency, a big rig truck hit the fire truck.  Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident.  This

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