Head Injuries in Car Accidents
Head Injuries in Car Accidents
Head Injuries in Car Accidents https://www.cmzlaw.net/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston https://www.cmzlaw.net/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpgCar accidents commonly cause head injuries. These injuries can range in severity from extremely minor to those that may even result in death. In fact, more than half of all reported traumatic brain injuries are the result of an auto accident. Any time there is a strong force imposed against the skull, whether that is from an object striking the skull or from a sudden stop, it can result in a debilitating head injury.
Head injuries can occur even when the victim does not have an open wound. The brain can be forced into the skull, resulting in brain bruising and bleeding. These injuries can be tough to detect, but they can be life-threatening. If you suspect anyone has a head injury after a car accident, it is essential to seek medical attention right away.
Causes of Head Injuries in a Car Accident
Car crashes are dangerous. Causes of a head injury will vary depending on the type of accident.
- Penetration Injuries. When an object pierces the skull, it can result in brain damage. The object can impact the brain or even penetrate the brain, causing bleeding and long-term nerve damage.
- Force Injuries. The force of suddenly stopping can cause damage to the brain when it hits the front and back of the skull.
- Injuries Caused by Objects. Flying objects or people in the car can hit your skull hard enough to result in a head injury. Drivers and passengers often hit their heads against the steering wheel or dashboard, resulting in a force-related injury.
Side Effects of a Head Injury
You do not have to lose consciousness to have a head injury. In fact, damage to the brain or skull may be hard to detect. If you have any of the following symptoms, you or your passengers should seek medical attention for a head injury.
- Slowed response times
- Difficulty thinking or concentrating
- Headaches
- Sensitivity to light or sounds
- Trouble with balance or coordination
- Nausea
- Feelings of fatigue
- Abnormal feelings of alertness
- Moodiness or unnatural emotional reactions
Extremely severe head injuries may also have the following symptoms.
- Seizures
- Periods of unconsciousness
- Numbness in the arms or legs
- Confusion
- Dilated pupils
- Aggression
Severe head injuries can result in additional health problems. Seek medical attention immediately.
Keep in mind that symptoms of a head injury may not appear immediately after an accident. In fact, it can take hours, days, or even weeks after the crash to notice a head injury. It is always a good idea to get a full physical after a car crash, even if you think you only have minor injuries.
Recovering from a Head Injury
The recovery timeline for a head injury will vary a great deal depending on the severity of the injury and the individual. For example, younger adults will usually recover faster than older adults.
Those who suffer from a severe traumatic brain injury may see residual effects from the injury even years after they have made an otherwise full recovery. On the other hand, less severe injuries may only take a few days to weeks to heal completely.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident that resulted in a head injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Our team can help you determine whether asserting a legal claim is in your best interest. Call today for more information.