$16.9 Million Verdict
$16.9 Million Verdict
$16.9 Million Verdict https://www.cmzlaw.net/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston https://www.cmzlaw.net/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpgCivil litigation has helped make our communities and the products we use safer. At CMZ, when a Houston escalator injured a young boy, we took action. The escalator industry was aware the movement of an escalator could pinch and hold shoes between the steps and side rail of an escalator. Through discovery, CMZ found a memo written by the CEO of the escalator manufacturer describing this particular condition as “unreasonably dangerous.” And, it was especially dangerous for children because their shoes are smaller and they oftentimes stand near the side of the escalator as they ride up or down. The industry also knew a very inexpensive guard existed which would prevent people from being injured in this manner. Unfortunately, escalator companies did not want to pay to retrofit dangerous escalators. As a result, our client, a 4 year old boy lost 3 toes when his shoe became trapped and his foot was mangled in the escalator. Because CMZ and our clients exposes this problem within the industry and a jury was willing to stand up and hold them accountable, escalators are safer for us all today.