• Experienced | Successful | Since 1971

$1.1 Million Verdict

$1.1 Million Verdict
$1.1 Million Verdict 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Medical malpractice cases are extremely complex involving multiple medical issues, lengthy discovery, and costly experts. Juries are often reluctant to find the local doctor liable either because of respect in the community or the fear of increasing insurance and medical costs. Defense attorneys prey on this fear and oftentimes negligent health care is excused by juries. Because of this, most personal injury lawyers will not accept a medical malpractice case. At CMZ, we are not afraid to dedicate the time and resources it takes to prove negligence against a healthcare provider. Our client was injured by her doctor during a routine procedure. The doctor’s records did not record important information about the procedure. But, a witness in the room heard the doctor say something very critical in the case. After hearing the evidence, the jury was able to understand how critical this statement really was and found the doctor at fault. Had CMZ not taken the time to listen to our client and the witness, this case most likely would never have been prosecuted and the doctor never held accountable.

$1.1 Million Verdict
$1.1 Million Verdict 150 150 CMZ Law Lufkin/Houston

Our client fell while shopping in a grocery store. The grocery store initially paid for our client’s medical treatment. But, when it became obvious he was seriously injured and required surgery, the store denied responsibility and refused to pay for further medical care. Fortunately, he hired CMZ. We filed suit and obtained the store surveillance video. Approximately 2 minutes before he fell, the video captured an employee walking by the slippery substance and doing nothing about it. The store’s Vice President of Risk Management had to admit in front of the jury the employee violated company policy and general safety standards when she ignored the substance on the floor. The jury found the store liable and awarded all the costs of his surgery as well as his lost wages. Most personal injury attorneys won’t handle premises liability cases. They are called “slip and fall” cases and the insurance industry has convinced most jurors these claims are bogus. But, at CMZ, we aren’t afraid to take on insurance companies or businesses when they don’t maintain a safe premises like the law requires.

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